Where are you located?

Newport, WA. Quiet Waters Bakery is a Cottage Food Industry in Washington State and I bake out of my home located near downtown Newport, 45 minutes north of Spokane, WA.


How can I contact you?

You can use our Contact form here on our website, call us at (509) 671-6317 or email us at quietwatersbakery@gmail.com.

How do I place an order?

Orders are placed through our website, quietwatersbakery.com. Our Order Request Form and complete ordering information are found under Ordering.


When can I pick up my order?

We require a 3 business day lead time on most orders. Our business days are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Saturday, and we check for new orders at 1 pm each business day. If you need your order sooner, give us a call at (509) 671-6317. Often, we can work an order in with existing orders.

Pickup times are scheduled on a first-come-first-serve basis. Pickup Days are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Saturday.

Monday - 8:00 am-2:00 pm
Tuesday - 8:00 am-2:00 pm
Wednesday - 8:00 am-2:00 pm

Saturday - 9:00 am - 1:00 pm, at the Newport Farmers Market on 3rd Street between Washington St and Union Ave. Arrangements can be made for early pick ups before the Farmers Market. Call us at (509) 671-6317 or email us at quietwatersbakery@gmail.com to discuss early pick up.

What are your shipping rates?

At this time, as a Cottage bakery, I cannot offer shipping. Local delivery and pickup only. But in the future … Follow us on Facebook and Instagram and you will be one of the first to know when this changes.


Do you have a wholesale list?

At this time, as a Cottage bakery, I can only sell to the consumer. But in the future … Follow us on Facebook and Instagram and you will be one of the first to know when this changes.


Do you sell gluten-free items?

I offer one WHEAT-FREE item, Wheat-Free RobieRose, and they are delicious! But please understand these are not certified gluten-free as Quiet Waters Bakery is a full-flour, full-sugar, full-butter bakery!


Do you sell any sugar-free or Keto items?

I offer one sugar-free/Keto item, Keto RobieRose, sweetened with Monk Fruit and Allulose. They are delicious!!


Where did the name Quiet Waters Bakery come from?

When considering names for a bakery, I knew my name, Keelee McGhee, would never work. Too unusual. Too difficult to spell. Then I tried combinations of my initials K, M, and C. Every combination I tried was taken. One morning as I read Psalm 23, “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures; he leads me beside quiet waters. He restores my soul,” the words, “quiet waters” jumped off the page. I knew that what the name! Quiet Waters is a reminder of the soul quiet God offers when I allow Him to lead, even in the busyness of owning a business. It’s also a reminder of the experience I want to create for my customers. Many days, just saying or hearing the name, Quiet Waters Bakery, helps me refocus my thoughts, take a deep breath, and quiet myself. It’s a sweet God Gift to me.